Latest News: Logistics of Transporting Goods Across the Border
How can you maintain an edge that keeps your clients coming to you and not the firm down the street – or across the ocean?
If you’re a small Canadian manufacturer making products or parts, you already have enough to worry about: the economy, ever-changing technology, shrinking margins, which SEO agency to hire… and of course, the other guys. Competition is fierce, and it comes from all sides.
The answer, in a word, is service. If you can’t beat the giants on price, you’d better have something else up your sleeve. In fact, you already do: your clients can call you up and get you on the phone, for one thing. You are responsive to their changing needs, you accommodate special orders, and you offer flexible payment options. Now it’s time to add lightning-fast order fulfillment to your arsenal, with high quality courier services.
You make promises every day. Whether you have promised to ship finished units to a client, or parts to one of your own plants for assembly, a trusted daily delivery service can do more than help you keep your word: it can radically improve turnaround times and boost your customer satisfaction to new heights.
But doesn’t a courier service cost a fortune? Not necessarily. When you choose courier services, you’re taking advantage of the same kind of impressive network that the big guys have, because good couriers have developed the sophisticated logistics capability needed to serve many small businesses. Using a courier service is often less expensive than taking care of your shipping in-house because you don’t have to dedicate the staff, time, and capital to establishing your own shipping network. And even if your business has the extra money kicking around to devote to a fleet of vehicles, drivers and experienced freight handlers…don’t you have better things to do?
Not all courier services are created equal. Some small companies are focused on document delivery, for example, as opposed to freight. As a manufacturer, you want a courier service to meet your own unique needs. Look for:
There is a saying in the business world that your clients do business with you because of what you do, but they refer you to others because of who you are. If your clients wanted to deal with the big, impersonal giants, they would; obviously, they like who you are. Keep them happy with great products, great service, and promises you can keep with the help of professional courier services that can support your business.
If you run a small manufacturing service, then you probably know the importance of having your goods delivered on time. At Power Link Expedite, we assist countless businesses achieve their needs through our state-of-the-art technology, experienced drivers, and high quality customer service. For over 15 years, we have shipped items large and small across the GTA, Canada and to the US.
For more information about how we can help you, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us to request a quote , and step up your game to offer quality courier services like the biggest players.
The post Why Small Manufacturing Businesses Love A Courier Service first appeared on Power Link Expedite.
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