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In the legal profession, every minute counts. Deadlines can mean the difference between a case going to court or being dismissed. So, why would you trust your important paperwork to anyone other than a legal document courier ?
We’ve come up with a list of four reasons why every law firm should use courier services. The next time you’ve got important legal documents to send, think about this list before you entrust them to just anyone.
If you want to know for certain whether a document arrived at its destination, you need a record that the recipient indeed received it. Couriers keep track of every single delivery. They have a record of the person who ordered the delivery, and when they arrive at the recipient’s address, they require that he or she sign for the package. There can be no doubt that a document arrived when you’ve got the person’s signature to prove that he or she received it.
This probably sounds like a familiar situation: you have a document that needs to be signed by a certain time by a third party, and if he or she doesn’t sign it, it could cost your firm big. A courier knows the quickest way to get from your office (point A) to the third party’s address (point B). You won’t have to worry about him or her getting lost, because couriers know which routes have the most traffic, and which streets to take to get to the destination speedily.
Many courier firms will provide rush or express services to their clients. That means that you no longer have to worry that the vital paperwork won’t be submitted in a timely fashion. Rush or express service is guaranteed, so the courier will do everything possible to make sure that it arrives at the recipient’s address by the deadline.
Courier firms specialize in completing deliveries by a certain time. They’re not doing you a favour. It’s their job. So, they’ve got a vested interest in making customers happy. If they don’t deliver packages in a timely fashion or if they don’t uphold their guarantee for a rush delivery, they’ll lose customers and might eventually go out of business. Choosing a legal document courier is the only way you should transmit your files, because you know the company wants to keep your business.
At Power Link Expedite, we help countless businesses achieve their needs through our state-of-the-art technology, experienced drivers, and high quality customer service. For over 25 years, we have shipped items large and small across the GTA, Canada and to the US.
For more information about how we can help you, visit our website to learn more about our services, or contact us to request a quote , and step up your game to offer quality courier services like the biggest players.
The post 4 Reasons Every Law Firm Should Use Courier Services first appeared on Power Link Expedite.
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