Latest News: Logistics of Transporting Goods Across the Border
As a manufacturer, you have a passion for efficiently constructing merchandise for your clients. Using a courier service for delivery enables you to focus on your passion and leave the logistics and shipping to someone else. Not only does this give you more time to focus on what you do best, it can actually make your business more profitable by increasing productivity and saving you money.
Sometimes your customers need what you have manufactured now! With a courier service like Power Link, you can get your customers what they need when they need it. When utilizing their “Super Direct” service solution, you can get your merchandise anywhere, anytime of day, 24-7. Even if you are shipping something across the country you can often have it delivered within 24 hours.
When shipping via a standard mail company, weight is the primary factor in how much you are charged. When using a courier service, distance is more important than weight.
If you are shipping something perishable or sensitive, the best way to get your merchandise to your customer is through a courier service. They are best equipped to deal with special circumstance and can do so in a more accessible and reasonable fashion. Here are some examples of special delivery items that would benefit from a courier:
Many manufactures have products whose demands are seasonal. For some, the volume could require a large fleet during one part of the year and a very small one during another part of the year. Instead of having the expense and burden of running and maintaining your own personal fleet, a delivery service can get the job done.
Courier services such as Power Link use state-of-the-art technology to insure efficiency and customer satisfaction. Using specialized mobile data tools such as integrated GPS and real-time electronic P.O.D. culminate in highly efficient deliveries:
As a manufacturer, using a courier service to take care of your deliveries can save your business thousands of dollars. From saving time by outsourcing your delivery fleet during peak seasons to directly saving you money on shipping costs, a courier service gets the job done for you.
The post How Courier Services Save Manufacturers $1000’s first appeared on Power Link Expedite.
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